Goodbye UniTV

I have been part of the University of Sussex's Student Television Station, UniTV, for four years, mostly working as a Director and helped out on over 80 of UniTV's videos!

UniTV has been a tremendous outlet of creativity for me. Studying a degree in Physics, followed by a PGCE, my life has been crowded with mathematical and endless deadlines, not allowing my creative brain to immerse itself in my emotionally driven film work. UniTV helped me to find the time to escape from the monotony of scientific education and work in large teams to create fun and entertaining content!

Skills UniTV helped me develop was the ability to direct large teams, up to 55 on a single project; learn about livestreaming, where I helped sort out technical issues and vision mix several hour long live shows; support others with their creative projects; experience incredible events such as the National Student Television Association (NaSTA) Awards where I got to meet incredible people from other universities and in the industry and most importantly, I met some of the best friends I will ever meet in UniTV itself.

Every June was sad to see my friends finishing university and moving on to greater things, but every new year gave a chance to make new incredible friends too. Definitely need to do more meetups with older members when I get the time.

UniTV is the end of an era, more so than the end of my education for me (I will never stop learning), however I shall greet the next with open arms!

Lastly, I would like to say thank you to UniTV and all the members who I had the pleasure of meeting. We're a funny bunch, not media junkies that aggressively push others aside to rise to the top, but subtle, resourceful, inciteful and caring. To me, these are the qualities that make you a true member of UniTV.

Thank you UniTV, and goodbye. I really am going to miss you <3


Death Stranding Fan Film


We Won The Media Content Award 2018!